
So That’s What Excellence Looks Like

So That’s What Excellence Looks Like

I saw excellence yesterday!

I am making a second pass through Team Of Rivals, the fascinating biography of Abraham Lincoln. I use this lengthy tome in a doctoral seminar I teach for Capital Seminary & Graduate School. The subject is teams, the location is the nation's capital, the individuals in the spotlight are Lincoln and his cabinet. Fitting I think!

Yeah, He's Got Skill...So Do You!

Yeah, He's Got Skill...So Do You!

If you want a living definition of skill you need to meet Danny MacAskill.

Danny rides bicycles. I know, I know! That doesn't sound very impressive. But just CLICK HERE to watch his video. When you do, you will understand why it has been viewed 25 million times. He's got skill! Look closely, the letters S-K-I-L-L are even embedded in his name.