About The Blog
I focus on how to “think biblically” about every facet of life. I step outside of the fish bowl called “life” and then, peering back through the glass, evaluate what I am seeing and experiencing from God’s perspective.
Why? I appreciate the words of Os Guinness in his book, Fools Talk: Recovering The Art of Christian Persuasion,
There are huge differences in the ways that different societies and different worldviews see reality. The reason is that even in our waking worlds each bring to our experience of reality the framework or view of the world in which we understand and interpret reality. Such worldviews shape the focus we bring to bear on the world, and therefore shape our attention, and this in turn affects both what we see and (importantly) what we do not see. Thus the world will look very different to an Oxford atheist, an Australian bushman, a Hindu holy man and a Catholic construction worker in a Polish shipyard. (Fools Talk, page 150)
If God defines the ultimate reality (and I believe he does), then I will assess all of life from his perspective. I believe this is what the Apostle Paul did on Mars Hill and that God wants us to do it as well. Writing and sharing these thoughts is part of the way I practice the admonition, "exhort one another every day" (Hebrews 3:13).
Conversation: Consider me a friend. I serve as President of Lancaster Bible College|Capital Seminary & Graduate School, but I don’t use the blog as a soapbox. Jesus said, “Come follow me.” I did. And now I’m sharing what I’m learning as I go.
Encouragement: I’ve got a hunch that you’ve got a lot going on and could use a little encouragement along the way. I love to encourage.
Variety: I love to incorporate stories from my reading, experiences from my travels, and reflections from my ups and downs as a follower of Jesus.
about me
I’m Tommy. I am husband to Shannan, pops to my 5 boys and daddy to my girl. I’m a Grandpa twenty-five times over. I am an educator, a hot rodder, and I work to grow as a leader for God.
A little more about the family:
Shannan and I are 42 years into a great marriage. We have six grown children, all married, all with families of their own.
I serve as President of Lancaster Bible College|Capital Seminary, an amazing institution with locations in Lancaster, PA; Philadelphia, D.C. My role is CMO, Chief Missional Officer. For 90 years, LBC|Capital has been equipping Christian students to think and live a biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving him in church and society. I get the amazing privilege to work with fantastic educators and mentors who are student-focused, biblically integrated, mission-centric and committed to their absolute best.
As to education, my journey includes: B.S., Crichton College; M.A.R.E., Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; DMin., Fuller Theological Seminary, and Ph.D. in Leadership from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. For more than 13 years I served Spanish River Church in Boca Raton, Florida; the last 10 as Senior Pastor.
The Grands
Cars are also a key part of my life. Shannan and I are regulars on the Hot Rod Power Tour. You can follow my love of fast cars at my site, carsafari.com. I am also a reader: leadership, history, biography, theology, and novels. I get my batteries recharged through photography, by taking long walks, being a garage mechanic, and by working in the yard.
I love to read and talk about it. Visit On My Walk for to capture reading’s Ah Ha! Moments.
My Passion For Leadership
The Leader’s Life And Work . . . is the focus of my writing at leaderslifeandwork.com. I help leaders grow in character and competency. I explore leadership axioms, drawing out their wisdom and pushing back where conventional wisdom doesn’t square with God’s Word. The site is biblical, practical, and helpful for leaders everywhere! I also enjoy partnering with Capital Seminary & Graduate School where I help equip existing and emerging leaders for roles God has given them.