If you have ever asked yourself, “What’s the use in praying?" this post is for you.
Can You Say, "TGIM!"
How Will You Initial Your Work?
You don't need to be Johann Sebastian Bach to "play" like him. Here is how to make his secret your own.
Make The Most Of Your Freedom
What the Author Can Do
What You Believe About God Matters
"Today’s idea is that the great divide is between those who say 'I believe in God' in some sense and those who cannot say it in any sense. Atheism is seen as an enemy, paganism is not, and it is assumed that the difference between one faith and another is quite secondary. But in the Bible the great divide is between those who believe in the Christian God and those who serve idols—“gods,” that is, whose images, whether metal or mental, do not square with the self-disclosure of the Creator." - J.I. Packer, Affirming The Apostles' Creed