“If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!”
I love seeing the way my boys and our son-in-law father their children. They are good daddies, every one of them. It is easy to chronicle their daddy love, I see it all the time.
Let me give you one snapshot.
It snowed in Memphis recently. Snow in Memphis is neither frequent or deep, but it is cold and it is white and it calls for outdoor play. So I watch with delight (via video) as our son Joel pulls Jake and Allie Blake through their winter wonderland in a makeshift sleigh.
They don't care that their magical ride is a summer wading pool turned winter sled. This is their day and their daddy and their delight. And Joel is certainly not going to allow the absence of a "real sled" to get in the way of a real good time.
“How much more will your Father give good things”
God uses a father's love to to remind us of his mercy and kindness. He is a good God who delights in giving good things. This is a truth I am seeing anew as I make my way through Genesis and Matthew in this New Year:
- God indulges Abraham's plea on behalf of Lot and the people of Sodom. "Well, Lord, suppose there are fifty righteous people; no, let's say forty-five; well, forty; no, how about thirty; no, how about twenty; no, what if there are just ten. Suppose there are just ten? Will you spare the city for ten?" God's response: "Yes, I will." Genesis 18
- Isaac's servant mutters a silent prayer for help and "before he finished speaking" God answers it. Genesis 24:12-15
- Jesus responds to the leper's plea, "Will you cleanse me of this?" with a simple, "I will, be clean." Matthew 8:3.
- Jesus tells the centurion pleading for healing on behalf of his suffering servant, “Go; let it be done for you as you have believed.” Matthew 8:13
- Jesus responds to his storm-tossed disciples' request for help by silencing the seas and calming the winds. Matthew 8:23-27.
“How much more will YOUR father . . .”
The affection any earthy father showers on his kids is a beautiful thing to behold, but that beacon of tenderness is a dim candle when held up to the brilliance of God's lavish love.
I need this reminder. I am less than a speck on the universal scale, but I am not too small for my loving Father to care. Neither are you.
Lean into the mercy and kindness of God today as you pray, as you enjoy his gifts, as you rest in the reality of his ever-present care.
“how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him.”