“Rest time is not waste time”
Solomon said that wisdom is more precious than rubies, that nothing compares to her (Proverbs 3:15). That said, something better than gold flows from the pen of Charles Spurgeon. A group of us at Spanish River are reading his words to preachers, Lectures To My Students. About the importance of taking a periodic pause Spurgeon writes:
Who can help being out of breath when the race is continued without intermission? Even beasts of burden must be turned out to grass occasionally; the very sea pauses at ebb and flood; earth keeps the Sabbath of the wintry months; and man, even when exalted to be God's ambassador, must rest or faint; must trim his lamp or let it burn low; must recruit his vigour or grow prematurely old. It is wisdom to take occasional furlough. In the long run, we shall do more by sometimes doing less.
On, on, on for ever, without recreation, may suit spirits emancipated from this "heavy clay," but while we are in this tabernacle, we must every now and then cry halt, and serve the Lord by holy inaction and consecrated leisure. Let no tender conscience doubt the lawfulness of going out of harness for a while, but learn from the experience of others the necessity and duty of taking timely rest.
"We shall do more by sometimes doing less . . . holy inaction and consecrated leisure." These too are gifts of God. Shannan and I will be enjoying a pleasant portion of consecrated leisure for the next few days. Don't Ask The Fish will resume on June 22.
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“And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.”