“A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. ”
Andrew Higgins "thought small" and the allies won big.
Higgins designed the boat that landed the troops at Normandy on D-Day. How significant was his work? When author Stephen Ambrose was still a budding professor at the University of New Orleans, General Eisenhower called him. Ike wanted to discuss the possibilities of Ambrose becoming one of the editors of his official papers.
At the conclusion of their first conversation, Eisenhower said, I notice you are teaching in New Orleans. Did you ever know Andrew Higgins?” “No, sir,” came the reply. “He died before I moved to the city.” “That’s too bad,” Eisenhower countered.
“He is the man who won the war for us.”
Those are strong words from the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces! Higgins "won the war" because he did what God commends—he looked ahead!
“A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. ”
Higgins was a man of discernment. In D-Day: The Climactic Battle Of World War II, Stephen E. Ambrose writes:
[Higgins] was so confident there would be a war and a need for thousands of small boats, and so certain that steel would be in short supply, that he bought the entire 1939 crop of mahogany from the Philippines and stored it for future use.
Now that is being prepared!
Have you looked ahead lately? Perhaps there is some challenge for which you must be prepared. Foresight saves nations in the day of battle, students in the day of testing, business leaders in a weak economy, and the elderly in the day of retirement.
Troops landed at Normandy and Allied forces won the war because one man saw the danger and took precautions. What "boat" do you need to build today to be ready for a battle tomorrow? Here are six questions to help you look ahead:
- Personally: What discipline am I ignoring that could haunt me in the future?
- Financially: Am I saving wisely, investing prudently, and planning for the days ahead?
- Educationally: What should I be learning today that will help me tomorrow?
- Relationally: Is my current investment in my family going to yield the kind of relationships I want to have 10 years down the road? What needs to change?
- Family: What unique challenges are we likely to face in 5 years?
- Spiritually: "Grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ" writes Peter (2 Peter 3:18). What do I need to begin doing today to help me know Jesus better tomorrow?
Christians rest confident because they know God holds the future. They also look ahead to be ready for what God may place before them.
Prayer: "Lord, you hold my future, but you call me to be prepared. Help me to think clearly and act wisely. What do I need to be doing to be ready for the days ahead?"
- "I notice you are teaching in New Orleans . . " from Stephen E. Ambrose. D Day: June 6, 1945. page 45.
- "[Higgins] was so confident . . ." from Stephen E. Ambrose. D Day: June 6, 1945. New York: Simon & Schuster. First Ed. 1995, page 45.