“And his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor.”
I’m a pretty simple guy. It doesn’t take much to make my head spin. I’m not talking about the star-struck stupor that grips teenagers when they fall under a celebrity’s shadow. I’m thinking more of jaw-dropping wonder that comes with a few more years . . .
Marveling that I can buy thousands of hours of someone’s work for a penny on Amazon.
Contemplating my “moment in time” in the grand scope of the universe.
Witnessing the birth of our children.
Delighting in the uniqueness of each of our grandchildren.
When I open my Bible, I’m greeted with more wonder . . .
God ripping apart the Red Sea as simply as I shear an old rag.
God guiding his people—not by Hollywood spotlight—but Heavenly Maglite.
God bringing tap water for his people by tapping on a rock.
Sometimes I’m at a loss to find words fit for my fascination. Not God. God’s word of choice is W-O-N-D-E-R. It means "marvelous" and coveys the miraculous. As Edward J. Young notes, “The word refers to what God has done and not to the works of man.”
This makes sense. When God wanted to express to his people the mind-numbing, heart-thumping, nation-conquering, soul-satisfying nature of the Messiah he used the word, "wonder."
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
The first of four titles attributed to the Messiah in Isaiah 9:6 is literally, “Wonder Counselor.” Yes, the Messiah is wonderful, but as his title rightly ascribes He is Himself a Wonder—a wonder through and through. At times I think we miss that as we celebrate "the baby" in the manger. This is no "baby."
He is God with skin on.
He is the Creator in the cradle.
He is King of kings and Lord of lords lying "helpless" so he can help us.
This child is a wonder! So today I am praying, "Lord Jesus, forgive me for making you small. I praise you that you are the Wonder Counselor, so superior in every way, yet so present and so real today."
"As Edward J. Young notes ...." from Edward J. Young. The Book of Isaiah. Volume 1. Page 334
"The first of four titles ..." from Young, page 334.