"Perseverance and Spirit"

"Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages."

General George Washington

Washington's words are etched in my mind. I read them in David McCullough's Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpiece, 1776. McCullough describes the challenges that General Washington faced: too few tents, a shortage of blankets and clothing, foul weather, meager national funds, the difficulties of dealing with Congress, breaking down regional differences among the troops, and inexperience. All of these hardships and more made the task particularly foreboding.  McCullough writes,

Still, he allowed, if properly led, the army would undoubtedly fight. And in a letter to General Philip Schuyler, who was in command at Albany, Washington insisted--possibly to rally his own resolve--that they must never lose sight of "the goodness of the cause." Difficulties were not insurmountable. "Perseverance and spirit have done wonder in all ages."1

Shannan and I were traveling Highway 39 in Rockbridge County, Virgina today. We were enjoying this piece of the American winter wonderland as part of our 30th wedding anniversary celebration.  As we stopped along the road to admire the ice on the cliff we saw the tenacious tree at its summit--a  fitting picture of "perseverance and spirit!"

What "good cause" do you need to keep in sight? Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages.

If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. Proverbs 24:10 ESV


1David McCullough. 2005. 1776. New York: Simon and Schuster, page 41.