S.O.A.P. Bible Reading Plan


How I love your instruction! Every day it is my meditation.
— Psalm 119:97 ISV

Do you love reading the Bible? I hope you do, but if you have lost that "loving feeling," you can get it back.

Many people don't read the the Bible because they don't know how, they don't think they have the time, and they don't know where to begin. Let's solve that.

Ancient sailors discovered they need citrus to ward off the deadly disease called scurvy. A daily dose of lemon juice could mean the difference between life and death.

One thing made a huge difference.

When it comes to the Bible, SOAP is one thing that makes a huge difference. SOAP is an acronym that stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. Here is a brief explanation of the SOAP method of Bible reading from Wayne Corderio:

S is for Scripture
Open your Bible to your daily reading plan (more on that later this week). Take the time to read the passage and let God speak to you. When you are done, look for one verse that particularly spoke to you. Write it down.

O is for Observation
Observation is looking closely to discover things you did not previously see. What is God showing you in this scripture? Ask the Holy Spirit to "open your eyes," to teach you and reveal Jesus to you. Paraphrase the verse. Write it down in your own words.

A is for Application
Personalize what you have read, by asking yourself how it applies to your life right now. Perhaps it is instruction, encouragement, revelation of a new promise, or corrections for a particular area of your life. Write how this Scripture can apply to you today.

P is for Prayer
This can be as simple as asking God to help you use this Scripture, or it may be asking God for greater insight on what He is revealing to you. Write out your prayer. Remember, prayer is a two-way conversation. Take time to listen to what God has to say!

How do I get started?

It's easy to use SOAP. Read one of the daily passages below. Don't rush this. It's your daily citrus! Once your read it, follow the SOAP method.

Ask God to help you, then take time to work through SOAP.

Scripture: What is the one verse that God used to speak to you?

Observation: What did you discover in this verse? What is God saying to you? Try writing out the verse in your own words (paraphrase it).

Application: How does this apply to your life right now?

Prayer: Take time to ask the Lord to help you do what he revealed to you.

Write down what you find, a couple of sentences will do. Writing it down will help you remember and give you a lasting record of how God has been at work in your life through his word.

SOAP - I have been practicing a variation of the SOAP method for 40 years. It is the single-biggest difference maker in my relationship with God. The explanation for SOAP and the thoughts for "re-patterning the way we think" comes from Pastor Wayne Cordeiro. You can see more from Wayne by clicking here.